Detroit: Become Human
March 28, 2016
Detroit is going to be a ground breaking game. Much like the game Quantum Break will be for the XBOX, Detroit will be a revolutionary story for the PS4.
It takes place in future Detroit where, like the car industry took off, robots that are human like are in mass production. One of these many robot companions is Kara, who you will play as in the game. She is a faulty model because she is ‘broken’. Not meaning that her arms only go backwards and she can only talk to hedgehogs. Broken meaning she has a free flowing conscious. As in all other stories where a robot gets its own intelligence, it becomes a problem.
In the recently released trailer, it shows us how she was produced, how she began to think and how she got away. She pleaded and pleaded with the mechanic while the machines that just put her together begin to disassemble her, limb by limb. Soon it is only down to her head and the machines stop, and begin to reassemble her and put her on the production line.
I believe after that we would have to play the game in order to escape and have Kara become her own being. After that, hopefully the story will be as good as the trailers have led up to it.
The producer of this is Quantum Dream. They have produced other PS4 exclusive games like Heavye Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. If this game will be anything like those, game mechanics wise, we can expect the Detroit to be a camera mounted cinematic quick time event type of game where, if you aren’t quick enough, there will be consequences. Hopefully they will add more to the game to make the game more player-friendly so they can make more decisions other than by pressing ‘X’ in the given amount of time.