April 30, 2016
ROCKET LEAGUE! It’s a great game that everybody loves and can get addicted.
It has become a cult game for all kinds of gamers. With the idea of the game being an explosive soccer game played by customizable cars with rockets strapped to them, how could it not be. Even if you aren’t a big fan of soccer, it is bound to suck you in.
Rockets! Cars! SPORTS! In the next release of Rocket League, it will have more modes, including a basketball court…field? Basketball! It’s harder to play but equally as fun.
Rocket League is a growing cult game among all consoles. And speaking of which, it may be the first cross platform game to be. Sony and Microsoft have been talking about joining forces so XBOX users could play with PS4 users. For a trial game, they were planning on using Rocket League. Although there have been less talk about this, hopefully there will be a day XBOX and PlayStation can live in harmony, and hopefully Rocket League can help that dream become a reality.
Star Wars AND Marvel in same place?
April 11, 2016
That is correct. We may be getting Star Wars as well as Marvel levels in Kingdom Hearts 3. It is no news that Disney now owns both Lucas Arts and Marvel names, but does it mean we will have these levels within the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3? I sure hope so. That would be just amazing to have combat along side the Avengers while in the same game facing off against Vader.
I’m not saying that these would necessarily be the levels if they were to exist, but they would be probably pretty awesome. To go through these levels of two of the most popular stories of today, it would be pretty sweet to participate in the stories as Sora. And we wouldn’t have to be caught up in the Little Mermaid, again.
What’s Next for Madden?
April 8, 2016
Madden 17 will be the 32nd installment in the Madden franchise. But what will be new? What will set this Madden aside from all the others, and force us to buy it again. Here’s what I’m hoping for.
I feel as though that EA Sports has exhausted all the alleys for continued improvements. They’ve specified on how to make defense gameplay better. Then followed it up the following year making the offenses more versatile. I feel that they “jumped the shark,” with things like Ultimate Team where its pretty much turning Madden into a card game. Of course, I admit that this didn’t stop me from picking up the recent copies. It always offered something new, even if it was a minor improvement.
What I’m wondering though is: What is coming up next?
Will it be more mobile enhanced QBs? More realistic collisions? More agile running backs? More lethal corners? It’s hard to say. If anything, it will focus on just one position or side of the ball, leaving the other one unchanged. I understand that they can’t to a complete overhaul of the game, but then again, why not?
My hopes for Madden are that they can add or even subtract game modes, in order to bring it back to it’s classical ways. We will see whenever they send out a commercial spot.
Quantum Break…WOW
April 7, 2016
Quantum Break is becoming…well a quantum break in the video game world. The graphics are unbelievably realistic. So much so, it seems like it is just a video rather than a CGI rendering of the characters. These graphics are amazing on the XBOXO and even more so on PC.
Quantum Break is a story driven shooter where your character, played by Shawn Ashmore, can manipulate time. This skill comes in handy and it’s what makes the game so unique and entertaining.
What is Unique about this game? What sets it apart from all the others? Well, this game is a classic story shooter where you go through cut scenes and a plot that drives your character and gives you objectives. The difference is…super powers! Well not exactly. It’s not Batman or Spiderman like, but you do have special abilities that make you an asset to the game.
These powers are time related. With the game motto being, “Time is Power,” that really sums up what your powers include. Freezing or slowing down time as well as rewinding. These all come in handy when you are in combat or have an A-B puzzle to solve.
I believe that this will be a big game for XBOX and PC. Unfortunately, PS4 will not receive it. But, nonetheless, it is a terrific and groundbreaking game.
Detroit: Become Human
March 28, 2016
Detroit is going to be a ground breaking game. Much like the game Quantum Break will be for the XBOX, Detroit will be a revolutionary story for the PS4.
It takes place in future Detroit where, like the car industry took off, robots that are human like are in mass production. One of these many robot companions is Kara, who you will play as in the game. She is a faulty model because she is ‘broken’. Not meaning that her arms only go backwards and she can only talk to hedgehogs. Broken meaning she has a free flowing conscious. As in all other stories where a robot gets its own intelligence, it becomes a problem.
In the recently released trailer, it shows us how she was produced, how she began to think and how she got away. She pleaded and pleaded with the mechanic while the machines that just put her together begin to disassemble her, limb by limb. Soon it is only down to her head and the machines stop, and begin to reassemble her and put her on the production line.
I believe after that we would have to play the game in order to escape and have Kara become her own being. After that, hopefully the story will be as good as the trailers have led up to it.
The producer of this is Quantum Dream. They have produced other PS4 exclusive games like Heavye Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. If this game will be anything like those, game mechanics wise, we can expect the Detroit to be a camera mounted cinematic quick time event type of game where, if you aren’t quick enough, there will be consequences. Hopefully they will add more to the game to make the game more player-friendly so they can make more decisions other than by pressing ‘X’ in the given amount of time.
Is Youtube Gaming a Career Choice or a Lucky Fall?
March 16, 2016
Markiplier and Pewdiepie. Two very popular and two of my personal favorites on YouTube. Markiplier has nearly 12 million followers [around the current population of Ohio] at the time this article is being written. Whereas, Pewdiepie has nearly 43 million followers [about the population of Argentina]. after
Both fell into YouTube in the early years of horror game let’s play era. Neither intended to have millions of millions of subscribers or make loads of money. Both did and do. This actually upsets a lot of people because they think, “oh I can act stupid on a camera too,” and, “they don’t deserve that much money.”
Those statements are both true and false based on perspective and how you advocate for or against. Yes both are silly and they perhaps are a little stupid from time to time, but sometimes that’s what entertainment is. Funny people making us laugh the way they know best. Yes, the idea to be funny and film it and get money is simple but that’s not their motivations. They do it because they like what they do and others enjoy watching them do let’s plays and challenges.
Markiplier dropped out of college after his dad passed away and had to undergo surgery himself. He bought a camera and began to play. His subscribers grew and grew from one to ten to 100, and so on and so forth. He’s raised charity money, done make a wish for a few children and just plays games and does challenges with his friends.
Pewdiepie was also a university drop out and actually was a hot dog vender for awhile until he bought his camera. He originally was doing videos of him playing shooter games and slowly shifted his genre when he started playing Slenderman. His channel grew and grew into the large following it is today.
I’m not advising to drop out of college and start filming yourself play video games. It’s not for everyone and it actually caters more their personality. It may work out in the end but it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to get to where they are now. I think it’s always been a lucky break for those making it big on YouTube. Nobody plans to win the lottery or expect to make millions once they quit their hot dog vending job. It just happens and sometimes works out for them.
No Man’s Sky: Why its such a big deal
March 15, 2016
We’ve all played open world games. A game where you can travel anywhere the game allows you to and adventure the environment. No Man’s Sky takes it a step further. It is the first game people are now considering an open UNIVERSE game. This game is like making a square into a cube. This game is where you can fly from planet to planet and solar system to solar system. How is this possible when other games can’t handle an entire state, region or country? The answer is simple. Computers and mathematics. Every planet, solar system, star, nebula…everything for the most part is computer generated. But by the computer. Using algorithms, the generation of animals, elements found on the planet, and how occupied by animals each planet is based on however the math is done.
Planet sized planets. Night and day sides. Light speed traveling vs adventuring the galaxy yourself and taking time. Production staff have said that the planets are so large, it would take a lifetime to completely venture on one. ONE. There are billions more just waiting to be discovered by you. They also said that this would be online based but the odds of running into another player on the same planet, in the same space, and in the same time, is very close to impossible. More likely, improbable.
And if that wasn’t enough, although all the planets are different and all the animals are randomly created by the environment, the planet will always exist. This means if you come across one of the mathematically generated planets and are able to name it something like “Planet of Tim” and you discover new creatures and name them all “Tim”, when another player comes to that same mathematically generated planet, the will be one the same exact Planet Tim and see the creature you named Tim.
Its an amazing and innovative game. There is so much to look forward to in this game and its going to be a big deal when it comes out. Hopefully it fulfills the hype it has created.
The Division and It’s Beautiful Environment
March 11, 2016
Tom Clancy’s The Division is yet another good looking shooter from Ubisoft productions. After the release of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege was a great 5v5 online success, not many knew how they could top that progressive shooter game.
In The Division, multiplayer plays a huge part of the campaign mode. In the desrted Darkzone of NYC, we find those looking to help, and those looking to kill. It’s all up to the player how he plays. One day he could be helping civilians to camp or fellow online players to take down some NPCs (non-player characters).
But for those looking for trouble have a lot to bargain for. Each time they kill marked online player who is ‘good’ they are added to a time as a bad guy. If they are killed within this time, they will drop more loot off their dead character than if they were being a good character helping others. This penalty helps enforce good intention online players separated themselves from traders.
From what I heard, the campaign mode is not the best plot nor the most creative. BUT, the multiplayer mode and the customization of one’s character and weapon, as well as the graphics and 1:1 scale NYC, its well worth the $60.
Fallout 4 DLCs
March 8, 2016
Fallout 4 DLCs are finally here! And in good timing too.
Most people who have played Fallout 4 religiously, have finished the story, all the quests, or maybe even multiple times. It’s a breathe of fresh air when the news of these DLCs came out a couple weeks ago. But the wait is nearly over! March is finally here and we receive our first DLC. Automatron!
Automatron is about the Mechanist, a return character from Fallout 3, and him releasing an army of robots that he controls. He, of course, has bad intentions for the Commonwealth. There isn’t too much information out on these DLCs and its good they don’t spoil us for these add-ons. But the information out there right now is that we will be facing off against evil robots around the Commonwealth and we will be able to make our own robots and possibly use them as companions. This would be so amazing to first of all have a robot companion that isn’t a Synth, but also to give them abilities and mix and match parts. This will be coming out sometime this March.
The Next DLC coming out after that will be the Wasteland Workshop.
This DLC isn’t story based necessarily but is a good add-on for those players who like to build up their settlements. New pieces, new options, and new things to build. One of the biggest additions for the workshops will be a bull fighting like ring where you, or your settlers can face off against tamed wildlife. This means deathclaws, mirelurks, and even raiders you can capture. As for what you can produce is more structures and neon lights that allow a possibility of editing text. This is a good deal for those who want to run their settlements a different way and want something new to add to those settlements as they grow.
The Final DLC in this bunch will be Far Harbor.
This is said to be Bethesda’s biggest add-on ever! It involves a case from Valentine’s Detective Agency that leads you to set sail from Maine to Far Harbor. This is incredible because Fallout 4 takes place in eastern Massachusetts, so how will they manage adding Maine into the story? My thoughts are most likely they will just make it a fast travel spot so that they wouldn’t have to add eastern New Hampshire, and force you to make the journey up north. But another exciting bit is that this “Far Harbor” is based on Bar Harbor and is, like Boston, realistic in it’s recreation.
These DLCs range from $5-$25 dollars and there may be more after this, but for now, these three big add-ons will keep the Fallout Community busy.
Hello world!
January 26, 2016
Welcome to Plymouth State University Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!